How To Write Blog Smartly

A smart writing is more than just writing because it creates effects with less words on readers. Smart helps you to make great goals. Smart means:


average class

task oriented

Risk / realistic

time bound


When you are writing, instead of writing "I will read more this year", write "I will complete a new chapter every two weeks".

average class:

For every thing you write, make sure you can measure progress. For example, how do you know, have you completed it?

task oriented:

Always choose target, you can control

Risk / Realistic:

Explore yourself and become realistic Unrealistic expectations can frustrate you realistic things that will inspire you


Setting a certain time frame will help you do things at a time. So always set a completion date.

Steps for smart writing:

In some ways you can start writing smart:

1. Set up Your Plan for Writing

Before writing, set up a plan Many content authors have abandoned this step, but this is not good. Creating a plan for writing your content is half of success. The plan helps you to make full content in less time.

2. Be Specific

When you're writing, be accurate. Always write a way that sounds more interesting

3. Select Simple Words

Always use simple words instead of typing for the nearby amount rather than proximity,

Avoid more words Use complex words, if it is necessary and your meaning is so unique then no other words will be done.

4. Avoid Long Sentences, Use Short Sentences

Write as few sentences as possible. It is easy to read and understand each sentence should have a simple idea. The long sentence produces complexity and confusion.

5. Omit Phrases, Adverbs and Linking Words

As a content writer, you should refrain from adding words, execution and words to your content, because it creates complexity if you include this type of text, then it is a waste of time in this type of text in novels and essays. Looks

6. Omit Needless Sentences or Words

Skip and read unnecessary or unnecessary sentences or words without your content. As a content writer, time for your words and readers is precious. If you add these types of sentences or words to your content, then you are wasting your readers time.

7. Do not Repeat Yourself

Do not write the same thing over and over again, sometimes instead of writing something if you repeat yourself, your reader can sleep.

8. Do not Overwrite

It shows a lot of ego Always keep in mind, your reader is your first priority Focus on the message and keep yourself in the background.

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